Friday, September 21, 2007

Reviewed: Secret Clinical deodorant

I don't glow, I don't glisten, I don't do whatever pretty word you want to attach to a woman. I sweat. It is the middle of summer; it is the middle of winter: there is wetness under my arms. I have tried several different deodorants over the years from Teen Spirit to Adidas (come on, get serious, you guys make athletic equipment). That's why I was so excited for Secret's clinical strength formula. You think talking to your doctor about problems with backne is weird, try mustering up the courage to talk about the gallons of liquid that seep from your pores on a daily basis. That sentence was sick to write, I can't imagine what it is like to read. Secret Clinical was one of the biggest let-downs of my life, right up there with realizing I am the only one of my friends not to have found a career, a long-term relationship, or a house. Maybe it's because I can't seem to get my hygiene under control.

5 stars: I guess it is time to rethink botox.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Starred Review
I won't even try SC because I found the best antiperspirant ever! I use Certain Dri Antiperspirant. It's the number one antiperspirant recommended by dermatologists for treating excessive perspiration. It's available in any drug store or food store. It contains 12% aluminum chloride and it works perfect. I can wear tanks, colors I was never able to wear name it. I have my confidence back. Plus, it only costs $5.50 (1/2 of SC). Not to mention they are running a "sweat-free shopping spree" sweepstakes on their web sites. One teen and one adult will each win $1,000 to buy new clothes!! or
Check it out. Just follow the directions for application and I bet you will be as satisfied as I have been for the past 5 years!!!